The image is input into the program, the data can be loaded successfully, but cannot enter the "for i, det in enumerate(dets)"circulation in the app.py. I wonder what the reason...
When I tried to run this code, the following error occurred: Fast Gradient Sign Method Model: inception_v3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "fgsm.py", line 62, in out = model(inp)...
Hello, may I ask how to add KL Loss to YoloV5 of ultralytics? I'm not sure what to do with the coordinate transformation of the center point. How to get...
Hello, when I loaded my converted tf model, I got the following error, do you know what happened? Using keras, I fine-tuned the inception_resnet_v2 model and converted the saved .h5...
Have you preprocessed the data set? For example, face detection and align? I think the results should be better after pretreatment.
Would you please reply? Thank you very much!
If we want to test ImageNet with this code, what bounds should PyTorchModel have after the original input is normalized? `bmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 255), num_classes=200, channel_axis=3, preprocessing=preprocessing)` Given mean...