
Results 8 comments of tuhinansu-gourav

@rrousselGit Can you please locate me the place where this limitation code is present ? I would like to remove this limitation for my project.

But then why is the problem only happening in debug mode in iOS simulator ? I have tried in iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 15 This is not happening in...

I found similar issues faced by others. It maybe a limitation of flutter [https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/85026](url) [https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/73734](url) But I think this should be fixed some where, either here or by flutter.

But shouldn't the framework and packages be built depending upon the device configuration rather than the other way around ?

The problem with provider package is that it increases this hierarchy without considering this limitation.

I expect that if flutter is not able to support deep hierarchy widget tree, then provider shouldn't keep increasing the widget tree. Maybe find a better way to do what...

https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/InheritedWidget-class.html Inherited widgets don't increase widget tree. BTW, how to have one large provider ? Can you please give me an example ?

I think earlier @rrousselGit was just giving an example. The new error that you are getting is that, a consumer can only access providers that are above it in widget...