Hey man, thanks for submitting an issue! Could you please paste as much of the code you are running as possible? If you do it I will try to recreate...
> When having more then one pair in open Sell orders recive Order Not Found from Binance code: -2013, msg: Order does not exists. > > Issue is only on...
Hey man, no offense. I would prefer not to open zip files. If you can recreate a minimal code example that shows the behavior you're encountering, I'm happy to help....
Hey Joris, thanks a lot for trying pyjuque! Could you please paste the bot_config that you used to set up this bot? One potential suggestion is that you set your...
I see now that that might not necessarily be the fix I need to put some checks in place regarding how much the fees cost and what can be sold...
For what amount are the orders placed? Perhaps there's a bug with the trade amount allocation and it each trade places is worth 500 euro.
Hey hey, so you see how 'sleep(15)' is outside the scope of 'try'? You want to put it inside, so the KeyboardInterrupt will work while the bot is waiting. try:...
Maybe try these SO answers: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5114409/4468246 https://stackoverflow.com/a/47495035/4468246
Oh that makes sense, it's probably to do with yaspin (the spinner/logger)
Hey there, thanks for giving pyjuque a try! I have not personally tested pyjuque with bitpanda, but I am working on the kraken integration. For kraken the issue is that...