
Results 16 comments of tuddman

would this be the way to go? https://github.com/stepancheg/grpc-rust

you're too quick! I updated the README in anticipation.. see https://github.com/michaelklishin/neocons/pull/89 `3.2.0` should be out soon :)

@michaelklishin friendly ping to see about cutting a preview `3.2.0` release? ;)

[tuddman/neocons "3.2.0-SNAPSHOT"] is available in the interim

[tuddman/neocons "3.2.1-SNAPSHOT"](https://clojars.org/tuddman/neocons) is also now available

I successfully built neo4j-spatial from source (dec 10th) on fresh ubuntu 16.04. I then loaded it into `$NEO4J_HOME/plugins` folder on a `3.0.6 CE` neo4j instance and it could not recognize...

updating to `pod 'Stripe', '~> 21.5.1'` and `platform :ios, '12.0'` in the `Podfile` and updating`tipsi-stripe` to `9.0.0` in `package.json` fixes/works around the issue in XCode 12.5 annoying to also have...

@magic990619 Did you ever solve this issue? Experiencing a very similar error, but with a different library: ``` ld: library not found for -ltipsi-stripe clang: error: linker command failed with...

Read ```clojure (import [org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.io IoCore] [org.apache.tinerkpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure TinkerGraph]) (-> (.io (TinkerGraph/open) (IoCore/graphml)) (.readGraph "path/to/example.graphml")) ``` Write ```clojure (-> (.io graph (IoCore/graphml)) (.writeGraph "output/path/to/example.graphml")) ```

I should qualify my previous comment. You are correct: my example uses the `.io` method and is still very java-interop-esque. Here for anyone unless/until ogre gains io support with a...