Yes I believe this is now mandatory. Indeed, from the current Stripe Security Docs: > TLS is only required for live transactions, and you can test your integration without using...
One thing is for sure, you should not do this "on the form" (client side), only on your back-end. Stripe auto-generates snippets for you in common programming languages in their...
Same here. Logout event and callbacks all work fine whereas login events work but callbacks do not.
Would be extremely helpful and complementary to the documentation when _not_ using a devise back-end.
It works, if you override some stuff but the response is empty because MC sends a [series](https://mailchimp.com/developer/guides/how-to-use-the-export-api/) of JSON objects separated by \n which formatResponse() rightfully does not expect. ```...
I don't think they care. In general GG, FB, Bing, etc. are all on the top of the offender lists including a bad cache timeout but you have no handle...
A useful side effect when you don't want to maintain the list for startup. `bastille_list="mariadb ALL"` Shutdown reverse order will take some more thought.
Bonjour Damien. Oui j'utilise toujours ton module sur plusieurs sites. Je contacterai Mercanet et Webaffaires pour savoir où ils en sont.
BNP Mercanet (doc plus digeste que par le passé) : https://documentation.mercanet.bnpparibas.net Cette V2 est imposée pour tout nouveau contrat, les autres peuvent encore utiliser la V1.