Tugdual Saunier
Tugdual Saunier
if I got it correctly, the implementation is getting the info from the https://cve.circl.lu database by issuing an API call for each advisories found. This could be nice to have...
@javiereguiluz thank you for looking into this. I forgot about this use case 🤦 your suggestion would indeed nullify the improvement but let me see what I can do about...
@javiereguiluz I followed @stof advice and went for the Twig extension implementation. As there is already a Twig extension present, I reused it. But I changed the constructor signature so...
@Rankangi your issue looks related to symfony/maker-bundle. I'm transferring your issue there.
@maxhelias good question! I guess this is up to @javiereguiluz to determine if this is a blocker or not. In the meantime: PR rebased
Actually, after trying to add another feature that could be useful for my use case I figured it would probably make more sense to just merge the two as one:...
@stof yes possible but far for being trivial so the best course of action is probably to wait for https://github.com/SSLMate/go-pkcs12/pull/47
hello @convenient @blackfire-tortue-geniale is a bot account, you probably want to contact [email protected] instead ;)
does it really make sense to support other OSCs when displaying a table? I mean... most of them would probably be used outside of a table context don't you think?
if the goal is to support all those use cases when adding values to the tab then the regex LGTM 👍 Though we probably want to avoid rebuilding it on...