Tom Scott

Results 10 issues of Tom Scott

## Description The `ObjectID` scalar type does some great work ensuring that the data in the database maps to valid ObjectID values for MongoDB. However, in order to use arguments...

When `branch.prerelease` is set to a String, it's expected that this will be used as the prerelease for the version. However, if a previous version using this branch name is...

I made a `status` command for my fork of this project... ```bash $ docker-dev status NAME STATUS ADDRESS SCHEME store running http ``` Would you folks be interested in...


We are seeing notifications for passing builds with "warnings" in Slack when we have `notify_when: 'failure'` set. This only happens on a job that runs a Bash script in which...

With chained loaders being considered as part of this effort, it might become pretty unruly for large apps to benefit from using loaders to help shore up some of the...

Currently, Radix Colors does not easily support the concept of a machine's own preference for dark/light mode. This poses a problem when trying to write CSS for dark mode without...

i have to ignore this package from automatic updates because it doesn't use semver, so if you are going to update it I'd appreciate if you stuck to the same...

- restore working build - add concurrency control to ci workflow