No, I didn't find a solution yet. Sorry!
Thanks for your response. But if I insert the following code in html ``` {{ displayEvent.event.title }} ``` and ``` ``` then all events have the same height. There's no...
@twinssbc thanks for your response. I've seen this, but using this, all events have the same height. That's my problem and I don't know, how to change.
Hi, I didn't find a solution until now. I'm using centered steps at the moment without highlighting the corresponding elements. But this is not what I want to do. I'm...
Hi @Jay031, I tried your solution: Changed getElementFixedTop() to getElementAbsoluteTop() in ../myProject/node_modules/ngx-joyride/esm5/lib/services/document.service.js and ../myProject/node_modules/ngx-joyride/esm2015/lib/services/document.service.js, but nothing changed. Is this the right way or how must I do this? Thanks in...