# Bug description A Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilty exists in PartKeepr 1.4.0 via the 'name' field in /api/part_categories. ## Steps to reproduce 1. Login as admin. 2. Click on 'Add...
SQL Injection vulnerability in ChurchCRM 4.4.5 via /churchcrm/WhyCameEditor.php. Step to exploit: 1. Login as admin. 2. Redirect to profile page and click on `Edit "Why Came" Notes`.  3. Submit...
Add Doctor info payload to Doctor Special of Add Doctor page to target /admin-panel1.php, then use burpsuite get requests datas, change the 'special' parameter to xss payload: alert(123) Step to...
A Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilty exists in BlogEngine via the Description field in /blogengine/api/posts Step to exploit: 1. Login as admin. 2. Navigate to and click on "NEW". 3....