library(SCP) Error in completeSubclasses(classDef2, class1, obj, where) : trying to get slot "subclasses" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") with no slots Error: package or namespace load failed...
你好,老俊俊! 感谢你开发的这个包,非常棒! 在实际使用的过程中我发现有些小问题。 代码如下 dotplotGsea(data = GSEA_reactome, order.by = "NES", topn=5 ) 使用这个函数画图,所画的抑制的信号通路,并不是NES值最小的5个。我查看了你的源代码。发现了问题所在 if (!is.null(topn)) { df % dplyr::group_by(type) %>% dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data[[order.by]])) %>% dplyr::slice_head(n = topn) } 这行代码,dplyr::desc(.data[[order.by]])应改为 dplyr::desc(abs(.data[[order.by]]))。加上abs函数,按照ES的绝对值排序便可以。 谢谢!如有不对,请指正!
I want to perform a pathway enrichment analysis using Reactome database. But i do not know how this would be possible using tidymass. Thank you
HI! I have two groups, control group and drug group. I want to compare intercellular communication networks and internal regulatory signals between the two groups. Could you provide the related...
Hi! This is my code complex_dotplot_single(seu_obj = seurat_object, feature = "Havcr1", groups = "group2") Error: Cannot find 'umap' in this Seurat object Dimensional reduction for visualization was performed using tSNE...