Tadaya Tsuyukubo
Tadaya Tsuyukubo
Can you expand your question? If you want to use MDC, you need to set the values to MDC in order to reference them.
hm, what is the use case for throwing such exception or invoking statement in query listener? If you happen to perform some operations on statement in listener, I think it's...
Hi @marschall, Thanks for the report. Admittedly, the current `QueryUtils.getQueryType` is flawed. I do not intend to provide a full query parser to detect the type, but at least the...
For connection pool in R2DBC, I believe currently it is planning to use object pool mechanism in reactor. https://github.com/reactor/reactor/issues/651 FYI, for callback in general, [datasource-proxy-r2dbc project](https://github.com/ttddyy/datasource-proxy-r2dbc) provides before/after callbacks for...
@robertroeser So, if it is talking about actually closing tcp connection, isn't it more for implementation library level callback? At SPI level, when close is called, then it's done for...
Just FYI, I found there is [SavepointManager](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/master/spring-tx/src/main/java/org/springframework/transaction/SavepointManager.java) in spring (since 1.1 :o), and it defines only one method for creating savepoint: ```java Object createSavepoint() throws TransactionException; ``` The actual implementation...
I see for the usage. But `resourceLoadClass` is not optional if I directly instantiate `JacksonTester`. ```java new JacksonTester(null, ResolvableType.forClass(MySample.class), mapper); ``` The constructor of `AbstractJsonMarshalTester` performs non-null check on `resourceLoadClass`.
I think there are two usecases for loading a json from resources. One is for simple deserialization. Load an object from json file and pass it as an input to...
Related to #19 (e.g.: _@BeforeAllTests/@AfterAllTests_)
> That said, this seems like a problem that is going to come up more often given that Spring Security components are moving towards deferring the lookup of Authentication until...