
Results 12 comments of tszhang97

hello, can you update the training code, thx!!

same question. what's the difference betweem axis-angle and rotation matrix

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39046939/63847453-5fd1ce80-c9c0-11e9-8493-ee4c1c4b7587.png) this is my resample result.Some tips: 1. when normalize to [0,1], the result will be different from the groud truth 2. may not use dilate, this will cause those...

normalization is a problem which I haven't figured out. If you want to remain the correct propotion, my solution is saving vmin and vmax. vt*256 will calculate a result like...

Good news! I finally fix the bug and resample a very smooth smpl model. The tip is remove the vts equal zero in v_to_vt list and only use the good...

@GuodongQi would you like to share your modified code? And how to calculate the 3D joint? SMPL fitting or just multiple the joint regressor?

@gaizixuan0128 Have you tried the BodyNet fitting code? I've resampled 6890 smpl vertices, the fitting code also needs the 3D joints as input. Right?

@Rhyssiyan I feel confused too. The objective function written in the paper uses the smpl model after s, R, t. The resampled result is the transformed vertices without the parameter...

@ypflll which means if the input is a new image taken by myself without the cameara paras, we cannot use the fitting stage?