Tyler Sutterley

Results 11 issues of Tyler Sutterley

Queries ESRI Image Service APIs and adds image layers similar to an `ImageOverlay`. Image Service APIs allow the creation of mosaics with options for pre-defined raster functions, interpolation strategies, band...

Would it be possible to build a class to query ESRI ImageServer APIs (similar to an [ImageMapLayer within ESRI leaflet](https://github.com/Esri/esri-leaflet/blob/master/src/Layers/ImageMapLayer.js))? I am wishing to query the [Reference Elevation Map of...

As far as I can tell, `mouseout` events aren't tracked for GeoJSON objects. I have a point cloud explorer where I added basically a "tooltip" displaying a few variables within...

updating read and write programs for baseline E

Fixing the GDAL issues with Windows Creating a working windows test build in GitHub actions

Parallels function of same name in GeoPandas for creating a GeoSeries from in-memory arrays

`cnes_grace_sync.py` worked with the prior download service access point (which is now non-operational as of [2023/05/04](https://grace.obs-mip.fr/variable-models-grace-lageos/grace-solutions-release-05/rl05-download-products/#May_4th_2023)). Need to update to work with the new data access [catalogue](https://grace.obs-mip.fr/catalogue/). TODO: - authentication...
