Jack Tsai

Results 13 comments of Jack Tsai

Hi @Kvicii , We really appreciate your effort in helping us make RocketMQ stronger. However, I've seen many times that you approved the changes immediately without careful review (e.g. this...

@liuzongliang0202 Hi, someone had already fixed the CI problem. No worry now :-)

@miccall 请问这个功能实现了吗

Would you mind also doing it for Mac OS? It is quite annoying that our CI cannot pass recently.

I guess it failed due to something wrong with our CI built with Windows & MacOS. Hope you could help us find the reason. Thx.

> Let's embrace GitHub Action. > > Here is an example if you need: https://github.com/codecentric/cxf-spring-boot-starter/blob/master/.github/workflows/release-to-maven-central.yml OK, got it.

@lizhanhui @aaron-ai I've got the GitHub secrets and attached them within the Action. Please have a review again. Appreciate it.