Tyler Sl8r

Results 21 issues of Tyler Sl8r

help wanted

When I mount a directory from my local fs ex: `docker run -i -v /Users/tyler/docker/data:/var/lib/mysql 3af0265e97e1 /bin/bash` I get weird permissions issues: `drwxr-xr-x 1 1000 1000 68 May 2 16:17...

Great lib! I'm wondering if there is anyway to hook into the gesture handler or animated values of the panel in order to animate the contents of the panel in...

I was looking through the pooly source and had a couple of questions in `handle_info/2` (https://github.com/benjamintanweihao/the-little-elixir-otp-guidebook-code/blob/master/chapter_7/pooly/version-3/lib/pooly/pool_server.ex#L109-L114) 1. Don't we want to move `new_state = %{state | workers: [new_worker(pool_sup)|workers]}` above `case...

I noticed that relay compiler says that the `--language` parameter is a `string`. Trying: `./node_modules/.bin/relay-compiler --src ./screens --schema ./graphql-relay/schema.graphql --language javascript --language typescript --watch` I get an error: ``` Error:...

I noticed that there are some inconsistencies with how whitespace and punctuation are treated, and it causes some precision issues when trying to correlate with the original sentence. For example,...

I'm using Ichiran is because it is, by far, **the best** parser/tokenizer at when it comes to reasonable word boundaries in Japanese. It is so awesome! I have noticed, however,...

I'm curious if the maintainers would have any interest in a conversion from Postgresql to SQLite. The idea would be to Ichiran much more operationally simple, allowing it to be...

We use the plugin api to edit the Android manifest. Without this fix, android 11 will return `false` for `Voice.isAvailable()`. This fixes #350 for expo plugin users.

I would love to see support for audio input such that this example could be added: https://github.com/tensorflow/examples/blob/master/lite/examples/speech_commands/android/README.md ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/449326/66707969-7c269200-ed06-11e9-8566-c5c03003f251.png)
