
Results 30 comments of tsingson

goim 的 issue 成了聊天室了, 也是趣事一件.

> 不过goim的文档确实比较少,订阅是怎么订阅的?就是拿来做IM通讯,类似微信,有多个群,这种场景,怎么订阅收消息 goim 的文章已经很多了. 我写了 goim 文章后就有点后悔了, 因为很多文章已经把 goim 说明得很清楚很明白了, 只是有点散, 各人关注点不同(版本也不同) , 也就在自己关注或欣赏的点上写, 有些文章非常非常好. ------> 我有想过在 goim 这个 repo 的 wiki 上把这些文章放进去, 可惜没什么人阅读也没有反馈, 加上有些好文章上有标示版权声明, 就挂着了, 以后再说. 同时 , goim...

some case TTL is must and cool, but some others cache had. but , TTL is no need for high performance cache, there another ( easy ) way to update...

a websocket server via liftbridge client as bridge to liftbridge/nats is work great. about 10K android apk ( websocket client ) connect to 5 websocket server. websocket connect to gRPC...

Protobuf is easier to use than flatbuffers and easier to encode. In my personal project, I prefer flatbuffers for better decoding performance.

For most message structures pass NATS, whether simple or complex, protobuf in GRPC is suitable, balanced, and easy to encode and decode. Therefore, GRPC (protobuf) is a suitable solution. However,...

working on....... i will report result in my trial project.

> From my side great first step to support h2c as a server handler! any update about h2c ?

> @tsingson I think we should wait for [golang/net#139](https://github.com/golang/net/pull/139) being merged and released, if not it's not reasonable to have h2c support in Go. thanks for update.

https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/net/+/419181 good news.