as pom.xml for java / package.json for JS go.mod is golang deps ( golang modules ) define go module that go module via version number. for me, I fork github.com/google/[email protected]...
my repo https://github.com/tsingson/fasthttp-example for fasthttp client and server , FYI
> @valyala > About breaking existing codebases with old import path, I believe that Github will automatically redirect the old URL to the new one after a repo has been...
> @erikdubbelboer I'll test it, if you don't mind > > @tsingson we plan to move the development to github.com/fasthttp/fasthttp, but keep updating this repo to allow some time for...
great! we use buf and connect in product about one month (replace half of grpc ) , it's work stable. waiting for stream interceptor and load balance to replace all...
参考这里 https://github.com/Terry-Mao/goim/wiki/architecture-and-Customization 1. 检查用户是否离线, 如果离线则存储即时消息 2. 在用户管理 hooks 中, 检查用户上线, 如果用户上线则把离线信息从存储中取出并发送给用户 中文说明见 https://github.com/tsingson/goim/wiki/Customization-(chinese-version) 祝愉快.
参考这里 https://github.com/Terry-Mao/goim/wiki/architecture-and-Customization 写了一些代码中加钩子 ( HOOKS ) 进行消息管理/用户管理的建议
我的建议写在这里 https://juejin.im/post/5cbb9e68e51d456e51614aab
1. 检查配置 2. 把依赖库下载全了