Tushar Jain
Tushar Jain
Has there been any update on this issue?
Thanks for your quick reply, for now, I'm just doing: ``` if rank=0: wandb.init(...) ```
Hi there, Were you able to resolve the issue? Seems like init_curses wasn't run. What command are you running? Also, curses was only used for visualisations, try running without any...
Were you able to port it successfully and find the hyperparams?
@rainer7 @PeizhuoLi Didya find a solution? I'm getting the similar shape mismatch error. Following the same routine as @rainer7. Error below: ``` File "eval_single_pair.py", line 78, in main model.load(epoch=20000) File...
@npapargyr What do you mean by arbitrary length? Same quesiton as by @rainer7
@amyeroberts Thanks for taking a look. This might be a PEFT library issue. The docs for which states the `merge_and_unload` function [here](https://huggingface.co/docs/peft/v0.7.1/en/package_reference/lora#peft.LoraModel.merge_and_unload).
I use the latest version `FBX Python SDK` 2020.3.4 from the [AutoDesk website](https://www.autodesk.com/products/fbx/overview) - "Get FBX SDK" which directs to the [latest version](https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/fbx-sdk-2020-3-4).