when I try to process s3dis datasets, there is an error: Processing: Area_3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "prepare_data_inst.py", line 165, in room_label) = read_s3dis_format(area_id, room_name, data_root) File "prepare_data_inst.py",...
Hello dear author, I am using opencv3.2.0, but the following error occurs, do you know how to solve it? `[100%] Linking CXX executable ../Examples/RGB-D/rgbd_tum ../lib/libORB_SLAM2.so: undefined reference to `cv::line_descriptor::BinaryDescriptor::compute(cv::Mat const&,...
First of all, I really like your work. Please tell me how to **normalize the Plucker coordinates input by the network**. In dataset/structured3D_train/plucker1.pkl, **plucker1[:3] is not a unit vector**, but...