Further information about this example, with access to sample images is at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qiWKFgiOwiolnEQQZhjIwqNZZQDKUnYI1V2klNrjRaI/edit?usp=sharing
Here's an example from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://digital.library.illinois.edu/collections/34d204d0-05d1-0130-c5bb-0019b9e633c5-e/tree To see the manifest, you have to select a folder, then choose the "View" dropdown menu.
Here is further background information with some image samples from UIC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iiHXaT8XYkGvByAM-sSfRrFKxE1OAKxrXr5tyyVzW-k/edit?usp=sharing I need to take a closer look at the Cambridge manifest and site. At first glance, I don't...