Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets
Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets
@lopuhin I just checked, and no, `eli5.show_prediction()` only shows the weight table as well. Any idea where that comes from? My pipeline is relative simple, with the only complication is...
Thanks for your help! It looks indeed like the custom tokeniser is the problem. I'm kind of misusing the tokeniser to do all the text preprocessing (so that the pickled...
Quick and wholly unscientific benchmark: - When run on about 4000 documents `all_pairs()` takes about 1 minute and consumes at most 1.8GB of RAM; - When run on about 8000...
Hi, thanks for your answer! No, my input text corpus is not in memory, they are all text documents saved on disk (after conversion from a corpus of documents of...
Hi again, Your reply made me think a little more, and I tried to assess the size of the character shingles rather than the corpus itself, since it's the character...
BTW, would it be possible to have `all_pair()` accept an iterator of sets rather than have it force you to give it a list? This would allow use of iterators...
Hi @ekzhu, Thanks for all your work! I think you've diagnosed the problem right: using the dataset I have at hand (which contains about 7k of the 14k documents in...
I have the same problem with Julia 1.4.2 and the Julia plugin 0.15.40, for a very simply package created using `Pkg.generate()`. The package is called `ProjectSim`, has a correct `Project.toml`,...
@CameronBieganek Eh no. I'll be the first to admit I'm a beginner Julia user, but I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm doing. I'm not trying to use a package...
Yeah, I understand, and sorry for being unclear. I just meant that it didn't matter where in the `ProjectSim` folder I put the `app.jl` file, I got the same issue...