CLI commands sometimes perform file operations. When ran by Bazel, the cwd is changed to the bazel runtime dir, so relative file paths don't work as intended, and we end...
In Python 3.10 only `sematic.types` is being imported instead of the standard `types` library when executing `import types` from anywhere inside the codebase: ``` ~/sematic$ python3.9 sematic/versions.py 0.27.0 ~/sematic$ ~/sematic$...
Currently when clicking the "Expand all" (and "Collapse all", but logically moot) button in an Artifact panel, only the immediate artifact's rendering is expanded. If that Artifact's fields are also...
When we have more Run box elements than fit in the diagram's max size, they are render on top of each other:
A failing retry Run is displayed as failed in the Dashboard, but is considered successful by the pipeline. Apparently, the Dashboard displays a different Run job than the final, successful...
Reproduction: Launch a pipeline with a Run that is supposed to print more than one page in the logs. Click to the Run's Logs panel, and click the "jump to...
On a fresh install or after a DB wipe, the homepage is esthetically unpleasant and does not provide clarifications to an unfamiliar user:
In the Runs and Pipeline Runs panels, on the Tag column, the most recent Run / Pipeline Run's tags are always displayed, even if individual Runs might have different sets...
The new version of the Dashboard does not auto-refresh the available pipeline runs in the history drop-down. ## Actual behavior When submitting a new pipeline run, the new run toast...
When decorating a function with `@sematic.func`, it is wrapped in a function that when invoked returns a `Future` bound to the passed parameters. This return instance type clashes with the...