Evan Tschuy

Results 24 comments of Evan Tschuy

**Fresh Login** There's a cookie, `duo_ab`, with some unknown value. it's included in the GET of the first request. My guess is some kind of device ID. 1. `https://www.duolingo.com/api/1/version_info` I...

**Switching Languages** 1. POST `/api/1/me/switch_language` - from_language: en - learning_language=fr response body: an object with - `languages` (incl. ones not being learned, with current_learning set to True or False) -...

Looks like the mobile API is a much better base for writing the duolingo API than the web api, since it doesn't allow the developers to do things like embed...

I've been writing some documentation here: http://tschuy.com/duolingo/duolingo.html

@tylerwhipple @samwest88 it's on github: https://github.com/tschuy/duolingo/blob/master/docs/source/api/endpoints.rst I broke the Github Pages hosting for now, I'll get around to it eventually :P


Looking through these, several of them aren't available on CoreOS or give duplicate information: * `vmstat` returns information found in `/proc/meminfo`, `/proc/vmstat`, and other things collected * `mpstat`, `pidstat`, `iostat`,...

as well as coreos support pkey?