
Results 15 comments of tryhardest

@jperez1111 awesome! Anything we have to do differently or modify if not using Ionic, to get this to work?

2+ weeks of work right here to determine that; On iOS, the problem is the version of imgcache. The latest is 2.1.1, and using that with webview 2.5.2, the map...

Curious if there is a way to facilitate endless threading? A reply to a reply to a reply etc. We need this but I'll dig into source tmr. Tnx

^ I come using api audio web and solved this error by or audio context before breeding or audio object. It seems to me that for archives of images, or...

@fgilio @ajbraudev @jdnichollsc did any of you guys resolve this?

Have you tried to downgrade the plugin @sithwarrior ? Or did you get it working (if so how)? Lots of unmerged PR waiting on a new release here even though...

@breautek may I ask what you use Local Webserver plugin for? Service workers or testing?

Would anyone (maybe @wf9a5m75 ) who knows Java be able to offer assist here. Same for us. Wondering if getting the instance of Base64.Decoder and use it to decode the...

@EddyVerbruggen Have you come across this issue, maybe with a workaround?