Results 6 issues of tryTo

error: Return value of think\\db\\PDOConnection::pdoQuery() must be of the type array, bool returned file: /vendor/topthink/think-orm/src/db/PDOConnection.php line: 695 old ``` if ($query->getOptions('cache')) { // 检查查询缓存 $cacheItem = $this->parseCache($query, $query->getOptions('cache')); $key =...

### 使用swoole ``` composer create-project hyperf/hyperf-skeleton ``` ```php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Controller; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\AutoController; #[AutoController] class IndexController { public function index(RequestInterface $request) { var_dump($request->path()); var_dump($request->url()); var_dump($request->fullUrl()); } } ```...


PHP_VERSION=8.2.4 SWOW_VERSION=1.3.1 cygwin packages : ``` make git curl wget tar libtool re2c bison gcc-g++ autoconf automake openssl libpcre2-devel libssl-devel libcurl-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libgmp-devel ImageMagick libpng-devel libjpeg-devel libfreetype-devel libwebp-devel libsqlite3-devel...


用于swoole-cli Windows系统下的使用 ``` go test -v .\server_windows_test.go .\server_windows.go .\common.go .\flag.go .\client.go .\generator.go .\process_windows.go === RUN TestClearAddr C:\Users\tryto\AppData\Local\Temp\774225308 --- PASS: TestClearAddr (0.00s) PASS ok command-line-arguments 1.051s ``` hyperf 将go程序打包为.exe 下启动正常


### Describe the Bug / 描述问题 浦安达智能空开统计不正常,用电量不会变 ### How to Reproduce / 复现步骤 ![360截图20241231180356777]( ![26007029f41648506c23cea4d9d2e10]( ### Expected Behavior / 预期结果 希望展示正确 ### Reproduce Time / 问题复现的时间点 2024-12-31 ### Home Assistant...
