Jan Trukenmüller

Results 16 comments of Jan Trukenmüller

Maybe a synchronize command [like this one](http://www.midica.org/tutorial-1.html#global-commands) would make sense. I use it all the time when writing Midica files. Than you could use something like this: `verse verse *...

I found this issue by accident after googling for "MIDI-decompiler". I don't know much about ALDA but I'm working on a MIDI-decompiler for another project: [truj/midica](https://github.com/truj/midica) Since yesterday I have...

Meanwhile I tried out ALDA and had a bit of time to learn more about it. So I [decided](https://github.com/truj/midica/issues/53) to support it as a decompilation format from Midica. Maybe I'll...

MIDI note-ON/OFF should not be necessary. There are pedals in MIDI, defined as controllers. Check out the controller numbers 64-69. Probably number 64 is the right one here.

Also adding support for inline options and patterns in compact syntax. Options in the form `(name=value)` e.g.: `0: (v=127) (d=50%) c:/4 (l=text) d e - c+2:/8 d+ e+ -:/2+/8` More...

Two more things missing until this can be merged into master: - [ ] Allow empty commpact lines (for convenience), e.g. `0:` - [ ] Add compact syntax to the...

Oh, I didn't see this issue for such a long time. I'm very sorry for that. The notification email must have gone lost among a lot of mails... Anyway, thank...

The root cause of this Exception is in Decompiler.java:283. Looks like the charset is taken from a combobox that was maybe not yet initialized. I tried everything I can think...

Thank you. I will check, if I'll find some time.

Unfornately I'm not able to reproduce the problem. Even with Java 8 and Windows everything works like expected for me. So my only chance is to try to fix the...