klaus triendl
klaus triendl
Simply branching off the legacy version would be the best approach? Your `any` implementation is still very useful as compilation for embedded platforms is still many times constrained to C++11.
No worries, when I touch code, I always find those corner cases, no matter the library or framework :)
No! Still needs to be addressed.
What if we enable `wchar_t` support only on Windows (which is UTF-16)? This is incredibly useful on Windows and I wouldn't be happy if it went away. SQLite itself supports...
1. Oh yes you are right, I thought that only UTF-16 conversion using `codecvt_utf8_utf16` is deprecated. 2. Programming on Windows is not undefined behaviour 🤣 UTF-16 is used since Windows...
You need to qualify the call to `sqlite_orm::unique()`.
@crabiner Are you able to use the latest dev branch? My guess is that you are hitting #933, or a variant of it.
sqlite_orm 1.7.1 is using a C++17 library feature here - see compiler support matrix entry on [Improving std::pair and std::tuple [N4387]](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support/17#C.2B.2B17_library_features). The current [dev branch](https://github.com/fnc12/sqlite_orm/blob/451a81b774123d07f45413db4f4604aae0773fb1/dev/statement_binder.h#L135) is using a std::pair instead...
Latest dev branch is now testing gcc as well, so you have good chances things will work for you... Can we close the ticket?
The error log that you attached is very strange: > error: ‘connection_ref’ does not name a type: connection_ref con; The corresponding header file has been correctly included long before. Could...