Hamid Abdalrahman
Hamid Abdalrahman
I'm facing the same issue on windows, clipboard is installed properly @dsznajder
We are facing the same issue. I'm trying to run it on the sample provided here [https://github.com/azure-samples/active-directory-dotnet-native-uwp-v2](url) Version of Nuget Microsoft.Identity.Client 4.27.0
@bgavrilMS Still the same issue is occurring, even with the this prerelease package it is basically the same error mentioned here: [https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet/issues/2187#issuecomment-730628075](url)
Hi @bgavrilMS I don't think I can use WAM since I'm building a native module for a react native for windows app. And I have no experience in build a...