George Brooks
George Brooks
Note that []( cannot be installed with `composer require tattali/MobileDetectBundle`: > [InvalidArgumentException] Package tattali/MobileDetectBundle not found
@lolop93 FWIW, it is possible to gain the effects of the bundle using just the [Twig Helper]( No need to inject it. For example ``` {# base.html.twig #} ... {%...
In a shared host prod environment `umask()` (as suggested above) does not prevent an error on `cache:clear` similar to that of playr1983g.
Piotr, Thanks for your reply. Such does not appear to be the case. I removed the app/cache/prod directory, ran clear cache for prod environment command as user then created a...
I'm subscribing to this issue as I'm observing similar results in substantially longer test times between 3.4 & 4.2. Test logs show far more entries with far more time spent...
Having struggled with this issue for a couple of days now I've come to the conclusion that "you can't get there from here." What convinced me of this was attempting...
This may work using Bash for Windows, which is available for 64-bit Win 10 systems. All I can say is that I've used it to ssh into a remote system...
Notes on trying to deploy using WSL onto a virtual machine on my system: - needed to install php - needed to provide a password multiple times - needed to...
As you readily determined, I'm likely in over my head. I got into this rabbit hole as I tried to set up a PuTTY connection with a Hyper-V Ubuntu VM....
From Edit #3, all is now well. Edit: Although it remains true that if one follows only the installation instructions the above errors occur. I learned this after restarting the...