Minh Tran
Minh Tran
Hi, I try to reimplement your work in python. However, I don't know my implementation is adequate or not. I see that you reported in the paper that the errors...
I downloaded the original annotation files of COCOA but it's not in the format that can be trained with detectron2 maskrcnn. But I notice that you provide an annotation link...
Hi @YutingXiao, I referred to this instruction (https://github.com/YutingXiao/Amodal-Segmentation-Based-on-Visible-Region-Segmentation-and-Shape-Prior#metrics) on evaluating the AP occluded. However, I cannot get the AP occluded results, below is my screenshot of what I received. I...
in your utils.py temp=array( listPrediction[i][3]) IndexError: list index out of range
Hi @pixeli99 , Thank you for your great work! I am wondering if you have the script for inference with lora model. I am struggling with loading lora and run...