I think with a proper doc/example, we can make it clear as I agree that currently may not be that clear... > Something like: @after("BootNotification", inject_response=True): async def after_boot_notification_handler(self, response,...
Hi, So, as you noticed the length of that Serial Number violates the Schema. If you cant influence the ChargePoint Serial number, the only think I can think of that...
> Thank you for your quick response, @tropxy . > > Is there any possibility to increase the string size? > > If not, could you be so kind to...
> > > Thank you for your quick response, @tropxy . > > > Is there any possibility to increase the string size? > > > If not, could you...
I was thinking if using the lib tenacity ( would also do the trick. Something like: ```python from tenacity import (retry, retry_if_exception_type, RetryError, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential) def log_retry(error, logger=None): """Log a...
Hi, thanks for your message. We need a bit more info than that, if you want us to help you. Can you provide a traceback of the communication?
So, I would assume the data format of the currentTime is not acceptable by that charger. can you use this format? ```python In [133]: from datetime import datetime In [134]:...
yes, try UTC time and check what is the outcome. I am actually suspecting that is just rejecting due to the float precision of the milliseconds, but try as I...
Not sure what you were trying to achieve with calling the time on top, but you need to substitute the `'current_time'` attribute of the BootNotification by `datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")`
So, as you see it worked, you got through the BootNotification without an error, which means I was right and the charger was complaining about the Datetime format. Now, the...