Results 29 comments of Sergei Trofimovich

Was seemingly fixed separately as

For me (also NixOS) `cargo test --release` fails while `cargo test` works. `--release`: ``` [nix-shell:~/dev/git/rav1e]$ cargo test --release --doc Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s Doc-tests rav1e running...

From what I understand `rustdoc` builds standalone executables and runs them. I was not able to pass `--persist-doctests .` nicely and ended up plugging a delay to catch the test...

Specifically `rayon-core-1.9.1/src/`: ```rust /// Sets `self` as the worker thread index for the current thread. /// This is done during worker thread startup. unsafe fn set_current(thread: *const WorkerThread) { WORKER_THREAD_STATE.with(|t|...

> Are you willing to open an issue on their side? It is really fishy. Sure! Took me a while to extract minimal reproducer. I think it's hard to extract...

Real-world example: `cabal sdist` packages it correctly on linux but `cabal unpack` unpacks it incorrectly: ``` bash $ ls -d test/resources/acc* test/resources/accent test/resources/accenté $ runhaskell Setup.lhs sdist Building source...

Edward pointed out it's even more complicated:

The minimal header contains `_Float128`: ```c extern int __fpclassifyf128 (_Float128 __value) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)); ``` Look similar to #191