Troels Arvin

Results 11 comments of Troels Arvin

Verified working with three different Active Directories.

Meanwhile, I managed to hex-edit the study into an anonymized form which still makes dirom-rs choke. The anonymized study will exist at for a while. Is there any way...

Thanks. I'm at the following stage in my code. As you can see from the concluding comments, I don't know how to proceed building a C-Find request. ``` use std::path::Path;...

Thanks, Eduardo! I'm afraid it's still very low-level compared to what I'm used to (Python's pynetdicom module), and I'm not sure I'll be able to be successful. But I'll try.

See and related for why this is relevant. I like to use _isahc_, but as it is, isahc's reliance on http::Uri has turned out to be a problem,...

Visiting with curl or Chrome involves a redirect to If I use url *www.* in my code instead, things work. However, according to [the documentation](, reqwest is supposed... is another URL which results in IncompleteMessage. That URL does not involve a redirect.

I've updated pointing here. Meanwhile, I wonder if it were possible to add some From/into functions to isahc, so that a url::Url could be used seamlessly with isahc through...

@Xuanwo , it seems to me your pull request was closed but never accepted into the http crate, or am I misunderstanding Github?

I cannot contribute C code, unfortunately. I'd be happy to test unreleased code. Sharing of resources: If that means keeping the copy-process busy across different databases, then: That is not...