
Results 34 comments of tritium21 I dont see commits with the names you describe. I also don't see pull requests named the way you describe. And I dont see any patch files in the...

This should be rejected. The channel name is actually "##node-irc" per freenode channel naming rules.

You absolutely can send a password with node-irc

How useful is it to trigger the 'quit' event on your own intentional quit?

But why would you want it on the “another user has quit” event? Wouldn’t it be better to have a “I lost connection” event? Or “I quit” event?

You would have to re-implement the heapq module as it is the standard library that is issuing that error, not blist.

Bash on Windows is Windows Subsystem for Linux. You are not running a windows executable, you are quite literally running (at the time of your post) Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64. WSL...

Perhaps, one should consider adding a member to the Post object strictly for sorting, defaulting to the path with the native post scanner, and copy source be adjusted to accept...

This is a place where you can easily make the source of the images plugable. The default should be to use the standard image locations, but allow a plugin to...

I think, perhaps, this is a great time to bring up an idea I had all of 3 seconds ago... We should have a cookbook of template hacks in the...