sc-renoise copied to clipboard
SuperCollider and Renoise extensions that allow better integration between the two tools.
Requires Renoise tool sending OSC? Then just write def's to folder named after Renoise song? How about some sort of recalling of file where things were defined in the Editor?
Semi-automatically map detune, attack, release grainyness, funkyness, sausageyness parameters to Instr MIDI Controling Renoise. something like Renoise.setSpec(\synthDefName, \detune, [0.5, 0.5, \exp]) to set ranges?
Something similar to .createSynthDefInstrument but that routes audio in and out of Send Tracks to SuperCollider.
Allow notes sent by Renoise instruments to trigger whatever SC code you fancy.
.createSynthDefInstrument() is a hideous monstrosity. It needs chopping up in to nice tidy bits/renaming immediately.
Currently we can only route 12 Renoise Instruments to SynthDefs due to us being hard-coded to use Renoise's first MIDI Output to get information to SC. This needs to be...