Tristan Chng
Tristan Chng
Sorry but I couldn’t think of any other alternatives. It’s still safe to use, but just don’t fully spoof your account. I got my baby account permanently terminated, but not...
It's related to how Apple signs the certificate and creates the Provisioning Profile to "sign" the app. It has been broken since yesterday or 2 days ago. I guess the...
> Same thing here, related to an update of the iOS (12.1.4)? It's definitely not related to iOS 12.1.4. It just came out of nowhere a day or 2 days...
> Where do I find that file? ~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
> Is there a way to edit the mobileprovision file i.e. set the get-task-allow to be true? Seems like the only way I can find to do it is to...
Hopefully this gets fixed soon...
I just removed the certificates in Keychain Access and it worked
It's okay! I was looking through the issues and I managed to find this link! It worked!