Hello, if I use the by-group templating it will not apply for top of the page badges. * It works if I remove the by-group templating part and just use...
Hello, if I try to call `mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'admin', 'admin)` I get `No such file: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wsdl/devicemgmt.wsdl'` - If I understand it correctly the wsdl files should be included...
Hello, any idea why I cannot compile my sketch and faced to error ```ctags pattern is missing```? I installed RasPiArduino like described in that [video ]( try to compile that...
Hello, great card! Would it be possible to add a compact view? I would like to have a compact view like for the next appointment. Thanks, Thomas