
Results 19 comments of tricoder42

Hey @kennedykori, sorry for late response. Honesty, I no longer use this package. Would you like to take it over? I would transfer this repository and npm package to you

@kennedykori Cool, thanks. I see you've already created fork, so I'll simply archive this repository. What username do you have on so I can transfer ownership of the package?

Hey @kennedykori, I've invited you on npmjs. Let me know if you can public new package version

@kennedykori I'm not aware that I removed anything. Would it help if I simply transfer this repository to you? I've already transfered the npm package, right?

Hey @max-barry (or anyone visiting this thread), feel free to send a PR with TS declarations 👍

@kennedykori Looks great! Feel free to send a PR so we can include these types with the package

Definitely just convert it to Typescript. Typescript is my default choice nowadays 👍

It's the same: ```js // routes.js export default { auth: include('/auth', { login: '/login', reset: '/reset/:token' }) } ``` Using pattern: ```js // used to be `routes.auth.toString()` ``` Reversing: ```js...

Interesting idea! How would you provide `:params` for react router for your example? ```js export default { children: include('/children', { firstChild: '/:id', multiple: (ids) => { return `/${ids.join('/')}`; }, //...

I solved this problem using subscribe/listen pattern in [js-lingui]( HOC `InjectI18n` provides active language and message catalog for wrapped components. On mount, it subscribes its own `forceUpdate`. When `ProvideI18n` component...