Trent Anderson
Trent Anderson
I was looking for this to and after making this optional all the logging for the latest versions should be set by default to JSON layout.
Hi @vhatsura Sorry I wasn't very clear. Basically I was agreeing that this function should be added and maybe made default for the config the elaseticsearch v7 and onwards.
I seem to be having this problem also. I have had it working in the past and am not sure when it stopped. pm2-zabbix --monitor {"name":"pm2-zabbix","hostname":"cameras01","pid":1479,"level":50,"event":"PM2ZabbixMonitor#PM2StatusSent","error":{"killed":false,"code":2,"signal":null,"cmd":"/usr/bin/zabbix_sender --config /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf --input-file -"},"msg":"Failed...
This won't work for a network bond because the options variable is passed to the BONDING_OPTS parameter.
Also the docs indicate the default checksum type is md5 where sha1 is actually used.
Also the docs and the comments in init.pp suggest the default src_checksum is ''. When I manually set that in the slurm class everything works fine.