Mikołaj Milej

Results 27 comments of Mikołaj Milej

I try to ply with `nc` and `wmbusmeters` but without a success. This command terminates immediately ``` wmbusmeters --useconfig /etc ``` device in config file: ``` device=rtlwmbus:CMD(nc 1234 |...

`nc` (`netcat (The GNU Netcat) 0.7.1`) does not have `-q` and `-1` options. Anyway I see some strange issues in logs: ``` $ wmbusmeters --use (config) "# Remember to change...

I have my mqtt channels handled with this: ``` UID: mqtt:topic:7e6ae66bff:988ecf11b0 label: Rtl 433 thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic configuration: {} bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:7e6ae66bff channels: - id: water_timestamp channelTypeUID: mqtt:datetime label: time description: null...

Where can I find this? Would you like to see the screenshots? I'm using UI, I do not see any `.item` file (as found in documentation) in a filesystem ```...


as mentioned `openhab 3.3.0-1`, running on Debian from `https://openhab.jfrog.io/artifactory/openhab-linuxpkg stable main` ``` # lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Release: 10...

I' using UI and there was not even a clue that this might behave this way (`everyUpdate` default strategy). There is not even notice that there are different strategies and...

I'm just about checking the easy of use for my PoC to choose a solution that requires as little effort as possible, so I'm playing with the UI first rather...

So at least documentation update would be nice thing :) Simply rename would be a hard way, it's possible to use deprecation mechanism or something. But this is not my...