Travis Horn

Results 8 issues of Travis Horn

A nice feature would be showing an icon next to external links in page content. This is not mandatory, but it is a common pattern in online documentation. A standard...


The module is yet to be submitted to Node Package Manager.


In the demo, the notification icon `img/info.png` is passed, but doesn't appear because the http server doesn't know how to handle the request.


In `desktop-notifications.js` the `listen()` function uses `addListener()`, which will listen for a request to "/desktop-notifications.js." If the listener doesn't pick it up in time, another listener may take the request...


Right now, qs just gets the query string ( There may be a need/want for it to get other parts of the URL like... - protocol - domain - path...


While `qs.get()` gets the current query string, a `qs.set()` method could **set** the query string. It may work something like `qs.set({ post: '1234' });` or `qs.set('post', '1234')` or both.


Tests would be a huge benefit to this project. However, writing tests for the browser that work with the query string (``) appears to be difficult.


The arrows defined in CSS on line 150 of details.polyfill.src.js do not display correctly in Internet Explorer 9. These characters are ▼ and ►.