Travis Groth

Results 19 comments of Travis Groth

If you're using mkcert for test certificates, you can unintentionally write code that is only validating the client certificate against Server usage, and looks correct until faced with real world...

I think this was fixed in #75 but never merged in. @benyanke any chance that can be re-opened and merged? I just tried it locally and it does fix functionality...

The original author probably deleted their fork or branch and it got auto-closed. I'd be willing to recreate - it seems like @butonic has taken over?

Before seeing this issue, I opened Not sure if that should move to this repo but it seems related to the ask here. Would something like that support your...

Hi @rarkins I'd love to see this feature included. Can I help with the requirements or testing at all? Functionality like would be great. To implement this, the `version`...

> @travisgroth which of our managers would this be applicable to? e.g. helmv3? My immediate use case is for `helm-values`, but I believe you'd want the option on any changes...

@multani not completely. The chart version isn't bumped by the helm-values manager AFACT. The practical result is that if you bump your image version, the chart metadata isn't updated. Only...

@rarkins @HonkingGoose any chance of this getting some attention?

Sounds like: - add a global option to disable http2 - call out this type of problem in the docs for the http2 option - disable http2 by default in...