Travis Sikes
Travis Sikes
A new daily model has been released. It has many bug and feature improvements unfortunately fitting these models individually is not something that is done anymore because we use a...
A net daily model has been released that should resolve any weekday/weekend modeling discrepancies.
The new hourly model does not work quite like this. The general idea of using holidays is good, but it's also complicated because every country and even regions within countries...
1. In the [Sun and Baltazar]( ASHRAE conference paper they only determine these improved equations for monthly and daily interval data, so the best that can be done is to...
P is the number of data points in the baseline period. 8760 minus however many hours you are missing. P' is the effective number of data points taking into consideration...
You are correct. It would be 3 calendar months, but 2 of those months are weighted at 50% so effectively it's 2 months. I'm not totally sure what the proper...
From what I can see this is entirely expected. It's a linear model out here. There is no functionality to decrease the slope. As far as splitting goes, it's done...
When we were working on the daily model my idea was to have a segmented heating/cooling model. For example in a heating region a breakpoint would be allowed to exist...
It's possible. I don't think this is nearly as clean of a solution. How do you decide a priori how to further segment the season? Different buildings are going to...
This is something that either needs to resolved. In the meantime if you are trying to use OEEM 4.0, please refer to the [tutorial]( in the repo.