Matthew Clark
Matthew Clark
I wanted to run both hijacker (Airodump-ng) and networksurvey on my SM-7505, but networksurvey requires Android 7+, so I upgraded from Android 5.1.1 to Lineage 14.1. It installed fine, the...
I'm getting the following error when building from my 20.04 box using the 11c NDK and the master branch of nexmon. ``` /home/Android/sdk/ndk/android-ndk-r11c/ndk-build NDK_APPLICATION_MK=`pwd`/ NDK_APP_OUT=. TARGET_PLATFORM=android-21 make[1]: Entering directory '/home/Android/Nexmon/nexmon/app/app/src/main/external/src/libpcap'...
I want to have multiple U1 devices attached for kismet to consume, but be able to distinguish them regardless of the order they're attached/plugged in. After discussing in the Discord...
I've added the ability for an ubertooth to have start/connect functionality by referencing its micro id number (aka serial number) ubertooth.c: static struct libusb_device_handle *find_ubertooth_device_serial(char *serial_number) ubertooth.c: int ubertooth_connect_serial(ubertooth_t *ut,...
I'm trying to get Ubertooth running inside the kismet docker container. I had added the following to the apt install: > gpsd \ > gpsd-clients \ > libgps-dev \ >...
I was running the kismet-2020-04-R2 release to test whether the native rtl433 included TPM capturing (the docs don't say, only about things like remote weather monitors) and it crashed with...
I've got rtl_433 more or less working inside kismet, but I notice some strangeness in the web ui. I have the following in my kismet_site.conf source=rtl433-315:channel=315MHz,gain=60,name=TPM315 source=rtl433-433:channel=433MHz,gain=60,name=TPM433 But in the...
I'm trying to build the resin-odroid image as per the instructions on the git page, but I'm running into the following issue: ``` | checking for backtrace_symbols... yes | /usr/bin/env:...
I had to reinstall BERT as some sort of conflict was happening between Excel Addons, but now something seems amiss. BERTMGR32.xll is no longer being installed into the Roaming\BERT directory,...
make docker fails from the master branch fails with the following: Host OS: Docker version 20.10.18, build b40c2f6 Ubuntu 22.04 Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.17MB Step 1/18 :...