Ricardo Cunha
Ricardo Cunha
Please provide the relevant logs and environment information. It seems the devices you have are using OPCUA so it should be something related to that.
When you configured the Modbus RTU device on FUXA, did you specify the other parameters besides `baudRate`? Code reference: ``` var _connect = function(callback) { try { if (type ===...
What do you mean by migrating other projects by supporting Timescale? FUXA already uses a timeseries database, arguably the most popular one: influxDB
FUXA connects the same way as the node-opcua sample https://github.com/node-opcua/node-opcua-sample/blob/master/simple_client_es8.js It first creates a connection and then the session. The credentials are passed after connection has been created, when the...
@SerialCoffee There is a workaround for adding the certificates, you can look into this issue that is related: https://github.com/frangoteam/FUXA/issues/299