Archimedes Trajano
Archimedes Trajano
I also tried using `master` and it does not work.
Found the reason. I aliased `type` because I'm on Windows and I was used to `type` as an alias to `cat` perhaps the `nvm_type` should use `builtin type` instead
if you modify your windows test to add the following ``` alias type=cat ``` you should get the issue. Also the way you may be implementing things may be incorrect....
`command` is the more standard one I think. I know `bash` uses builtin
I think this can be done using `preRender` for the time being by scanning for `@startuml` and `@enduml` lines then converting it to a Markdown image URL
But having native support for it would be nice too. Then we can have the options like plantuml: true (which enables plantuml processing with SVG as the output) plantuml: "svg|gif|png"...
Perhaps if we had or ${profiles}" Maybe even ${profiles}" Which will take the value and convert it to an array sent to GELF (If that's even possible)
I think I had trouble using with gulp which is why I opted for your project. Especially since your project seems to handle ES6 quite nicely.
Can be changed to pass in the URL for the cached + minified CSS and JS? That way we can do ``` function http2_server_push($content, $cached_js, $cached_css) { header( sprintf(...
Anyway the workaround I have for now is ``` function http2_server_push($content) { $header = "Link: "; if (preg_match('#="([^"]+/js/autoptimize_[0-9a-f]+\.js)"#', $content, $matches)) { $header .= sprintf( '; rel=preload; as=%s,', $matches[1], 'script' );...