See DotNet These are provided in the Skills sampls, but Dotnet/JS provide them as part of the SDK This should include updating the Python Samples to match DotNet/JS
We have an implementation that can switch between OpenAI and another implementation. IChatEndpoint in our case is not the OpenAI-AI implementation. This allows use to use Conversation in this case.
we should use dedicated Arlington application (AppId: e398da5a-8b43-4525-b91f-994b65b2d1e8) instead of Prod app (f3723d34-6ff5-4ceb-a148-d99dcd2511fc) in US Gov before 3/31/2024 See [BotFramework-Emulator/packages/app/main/src/services/azureAuthWorkflowService.ts at f8ae0a12209e9d2c894f5a6b8baf5298f7da9c19 · microsoft/BotFramework-Emulator (](
See: libraries/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Adaptive.Runtime/Extensions/ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddBotRuntimeSkills ``` // For SingleTenant/MSI auth, the JWT tokens will be issued from the bot's home tenant. // So, these issuers need to be added to the list of...