Tracey Jaquith

Results 10 issues of Tracey Jaquith

from some eslint + airbnb base rules that could be nice to have w/ deno lint: ``` guard-for-in import/no-extraneous-dependencies import/no-named-as-default import/no-named-as-default-member import/no-unresolved import/prefer-default-export max-len new-cap no-alert no-cond-assign no-console no-continue...

## Summary Since markdown files are the source of posts and pages, it would be wonderful to have a config option (possibly the default, for consideration) that copies the .md/.markdown...


thanks for this great code & setup! (been scouting for something like this (a bit dumbfoundedly for why so long!) for years...) better than my C patching/hacking -- we love...

only 300 commits per git log -- but .git 1.8G .pack file on clone. would you consider chopping down history a bunch? (maybe it has many 10MB+ go binaries since...

Using the manual example for: I get: error: Uncaught Error: Not implemented: isContext throw new Error(message); ^ at notImplemented ([email protected]/node/_utils.ts:23:9) at Object.isContext ([email protected]/node/vm.ts:62:3) at new Sme ([email protected]/deno/jsdom.js:800:8449) at iY.createWindow...

### Description Seeing some JS behaviour changes due to inclusion of web components (this is the 2nd such thing - this one is easier to see...) #### Live Demo

More Info Needed
Type: Bug
Focus Area: Standards & Polyfills

**Description** > What does this PR achieve? Is it a feature/hotfix/refactor? Does it close an Issue? If so, use `Closes #`. **Technical** > What should be noted about the implementation?...

hey Pietro! was just looking for a simple [A/V file] => txt (srt or o/w) wrapper around pocketsphinx and found this. just getting it to work on mac via Docker...

Using the manual example for: I get: error: Uncaught Error: Not implemented: isContext throw new Error(message); ^ at notImplemented ([email protected]/node/_utils.ts:23:9) at Object.isContext ([email protected]/node/vm.ts:62:3) at new Sme ([email protected]/deno/jsdom.js:800:8449) at iY.createWindow...
