Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

Results 427 comments of Gwenhael Goavec-Merou

My primary computer is ~10 years old. I'm have not really idea on how to see why it's not working: never found solution for ch552 device used for tang nano...

I have retried with master branch and with *LicheeTang20K_DDR_Test* without issue :( SRAM and flash works (also with verify). I have a tangPrimer20k with dock lite but I doesn't use...

As mentionned previously this commit is unrelated to gowin class so the problem is between this commit and HEAD (this mean around 139 commits). Could you provides hash you use...

disconnect is the usual behavior: when you plug an ftdi (or clone) **ftdi_sio** took an exclusive access to the peripheral. First thing done by the *libftdi* is to detach device...

Hi, True: openFPGALoader has a basic support for **anlogic** FPGAs. This [commit]( is an example for adding a new part (ie FPGA model) and a new board. But I'm not...

It's a use case I never tried: usually `usercode` register is read to check maching between local `checksum` and the one into the FPGA. By default if no `usercode` is...

Sorry for the long delay. I have updated gowin's class to check if usercode register match usercode/checksum area when this register doesn't match the computed checksum. It's good to you?

For the first post I needs a bit more explanation: your `.bit` contains the bitstream + data ? I'm astonish because your command didn't provides a board name but I...