Thai Tran
Thai Tran
This is not really a bug, more like a wishlist. After looking at the source code, seems like your pathfinding algorithm only account for walkable or non-walkable nodes. It would...
### Summary Currently, as a developer, you are able to use the itemToElement function to embed icons into items. However, you still need to use the itemToString function alongside in...
Hello, just wanted to say that you've done great work here! While using it to rasterize my game world onto the canvas, I noticed that composite transforms does not work....
I noticed that the library causes Unity to hang for a long time after I exit the play mode. Is this cause by the plugin or the opened socket?
I ran a few tests using chatofpomelo and the Unity3D demo. Seems like when I am sending more than 1600 characters from the server to unity, unity does not receive...